50 YEARS |

Dr. Florian Pesahl, CEO DATA MODUL
DATA MODUL's history is characterised by constant growth, continuous development and the passionate striving for progress. In addition to our first-class employees, our success factors have always included our innovative strength, flexibility and long-term business strategies.
With our extensive product portfolio and services, as well as 50 years of experience in the electronics industry, we look forward with confidence to a successful future and the continued positive development of DATA MODUL AG.
50 years DATA MODUL
We would like to say THANK YOU to all our employees for their commitment and contribution to the company's success and to all our customers, suppliers and partners for our long-term relationships! You all have made it possible to look back on 50 years of DATA MODULs success story!
As our partners congratulated...
A big thank you to our partners for their congratulations on the occasion of our 50th anniversary!

„Congratulations on your 50th anniversary. We are pleased to have been in business with you for a long time since 1997. We have done a lot of work together and shared a lot of joy. We hope that we will continue to be good partners.”

“We congratulate DATA MODUL on the 50th anniversary. We would like to thank the precious partnership between DATA MODUL and MSI. We’re looking forward to further success and cooperation.”

„Happy golden anniversary to DATA MODUL and much success in the upcoming future! All the best for the company and congratulations on this special day.”

"50 years is a long time, but only part of a journey that Sharp wishes you will still be long and full of great satisfactions and successes, both professional and human, and that we have had the honour of sharing with you for more than half of its time."