Information on data protection for applicants pursuant to Art. 13 EU-GDPR

1. Name and contact details of the controller

Data Modul Weikersheim GmbH Lindenstraße 8 
97990 Weikersheim 
Tel.:    +49 7934 101 0

2. Contact details of our data protection officer

You can reach our data protection officer at the aforementioned postal address with the addition -Data Protection- or at the following e-mail address:

3. Data processing for the purpose of the application process

We collect and store personal data of applicants in order to carry out an application process for advertised positions, as well as in the case of speculative applications.
All data from your application shall be recorded and processed in order to select the suitable applicant for the position advertised with us. You yourself determine the data processed by us, because you yourself initiate the transfer of data. In order to select applicants, the particular application will also be forwarded to supervisors in the particular specialist department. The works council can also look at your application in exercise of its right of co-determination and control.
If the application results in an employment relationship between you and us, we may further process the data you transferred to us. The processing is then carried out to execute or terminate the employment relationship. It is not possible to be recruited without your applicant data. Section 26 BDSG [German federal law on data protection] and Art. 6 (1)(a) GDPR form the legal basis.
Special categories of personal data are only processed by DATA Modul Weikersheim GmbH provided that you have transferred these to us in order that we are able to consider your application in its present form or there is a statutory obligation. This information will not be considered in the application process if there is no statutory obligation to do so.
Art. 9 (2)(b) and (e) GDPR forms the legal basis.

4. Recipient of personal data

Your personal data shall only be passed on to third parties if this is necessary for the purposes of contract processing or for payroll purposes, observing Art. 28 GDPR on order processing, or you have previously consented to this. We will not sell your personal data to third parties. Data is only passed on to state organisations and authorities entitled to information within the scope of mandatory legal requirements, or provided we are obligated to do so by a court decision.
Personal data will not be transferred to third countries without your consent.

5. Data erasure and archiving of data

DATA MODUL Weikersheim GmbH stores personal data for as long as is necessary to achieve the stated purpose. The data stored when collecting shall be erased after the expiry of the statutory archiving and prescription periods, or if the purpose no longer applies, depending on which period is longer.
We do not store application data any longer than 6 months after the application is rejected. If consent is granted, within the scope of an application your personal data shall be stored for a maximum of 1 year and considered for other potential positions. The same applies for speculative applications.

6. Right to revocation and objection

You are entitled to revoke the consent to the use of personal data pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR at any time in whole or in part and with effect for the future. Please address your objection to
DATA MODUL Weikersheim GmbH 
-Human Resources- 
Lindenstraße 8 
97990 Weikersheim

7. Rights of data subjects

You have the right of access, correction, erasure and data portability or to restriction of the processing, as well as the right to lodge a complaint against the data processing against DATA MODUL Weikersheim GmbH pursuant to. Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR. Send the particular inquiry to the contact details provided under Item 6.
If you believe that the processing of your data violates data protection law or your data protection law claims have been violated in any other way, you can complain to the competent supervisory authorities.